Better and safer digital world is possible. If you could really own our digital life, things would be simpler. All privacy concerns exist because someone else can see and own your bytes. 3NWeb fixes this. In 3NWeb only you own and control your life.
3NWeb is a platform, on which many apps will be built and run. Protocols in 3NWeb are built on 3N principle that ensures users' total control over data.
Download your PrivacySafe. Create account. Use it. PrivacySafe will run any 3NWeb apps, those that we make, and those that you write. Downloads.
As a 3NWeb service provider we don't have any details about you. You will only give us a bit of information to process mothly payments. That's it. There is nothing much to discuss about Privacy Policy in a 3NWeb universe. Policy is inbuilt into 3NWeb's fabric. It says that you own and control your digital space, in which you have privacy. (See architectural notes.)
When your service company doesn't know who you talk to, it can't stop you from dealing with a user of a competing vendor. It is also easy to setup one's own 3NWeb services, if you want to.
There are companies that have started to provide end-to-end encrypted messaging and storage, meeting the first requirement in our principle, but lacking on the second one. They may know who you deal with, what you do. And many of these companies advertise that their headquarters are located in juristictions like Switzerland, to help in a futile task of keeping something that never belonged to them in the first place: users' metadata, users' life.